Besides being able to use this whole blog to your benefit, use this page to post questions or comments of things you are curious about. I would love this page to turn into a place we could all use as a resource or even a sounding board to bounce ideas or suggestions to each other. I know I have found the layout and structure that "The Sisters" created with the Daily 5 and CAFE books. I love that it puts the responsibility of reading in the readers' hands. In order for students to increase their reading, they need to have the opportunity to read, and read a lot!
Or even the resources and knowledge that Fountas and Pinnell have given me through my recent training of the Benchmark Assessment kits, the Literacy Continuum, and Leveled Literacy Intervention. I am amazed at how organized and precise their lessons, assessments, and resources are laid out for me as a teacher. I also am really excited that there are several books to each level with options for more books to help students succeed in reading by getting the intense practice they need.